
Bridges of Lyon

Lyon sits at the confluence of the Rhône and Saône rivers. So, as you would expect, there are a lot…

1 year ago

Traboules of Lyon

These secret passageways have helped merchants move their goods and hide the resistance fighters who took on the Nazis in…

2 years ago

Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience

Several digital art exhibits featuring the work of Vincent Van Gogh are traveling the United States in 2021 and 2022.…

3 years ago

Lyon’s Little Prince

A statue honoring Lyon's favorite son, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, is hiding in plain sight. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Antoine de Saint-Exupéry…

3 years ago

Movies that will make you want to visit France

Anyone who's been to France knows it is a beautiful and romantic country. Here are a few movies that make…

3 years ago

The best sweet treat in Madrid

Nope, it's not churros y chocolate. It's a pastry that came from Venice, gets its name from Italy, and was…

4 years ago

Canelé – Bordeaux’s Column-shaped pastry

Visit a bakery in the French city of Bordeaux and you're sure to enjoy cute cakes shaped like little Doric-style…

4 years ago

4 Ways to Have an Authentic Foodie Experience in Lyon, France

You might be surprised to learn that Paris isn't the gastronomy capital of France. Lyon is. And, the city's love…

4 years ago

Is It Chocolatine or Pain au Chocolat?

Depending on where you are in France, the singular treat is called by many different names. Chocolatine: (Photo: Mink Mingle on Unsplash) I…

4 years ago