6 best Tapas bars in Seville, Spain

Brent is in Seville, Spain to try modern and traditional tapas including a restaurant that’s been doing it for 350 years! Plus, classy soup served in a martini glass and an amazing egg tapa topped with truffles!

Culinary Adventure: 6 best Tapas bars in Seville, Spain

La Brunilda Tapas http://www.labrunildatapas.com/carta/

Bar Dos de Mayo https://bodegadosdemayo.com/

Espacio Eslava https://espacioeslava.com/

Bodega Santa Cruz   / bodegasantacruzsevilla  

El Rinconcillo http://www.elrinconcillo.es/en/home/

La Bartola https://bar-la-bartola.business.site/

Pilar Rubio’s Instagram   / pilar.rp.sevilla  

About the Author

Brent Petersen is the Editor-in-Chief of Destination Eat Drink. He currently resides in Setubal, Portugal. Brent has written the novel “Truffle Hunt” (Eckhartz Press) and the short story collection “That Bird.” He’s also written dozens of foodie travel guides to cities around the world on Destination Eat Drink, including in-depth eating and drinking guides to Madrid and Puerto de Santa Maria & The Sherry Triangle in Spain. Brent’s podcast, also called Destination Eat Drink, is available on all major podcasting platforms.

Author: Brent